A mechanism
Resonance works like this. It amplifies the problem briefly for a few seconds in a safe and specific way.
It causes the survival instinct – for example food, the idea of starving to death, which is probably the root of all eating disorders and all overeating – to increase.
By amplifying it briefly, the natural processing faculties in the brain register it and see that the response is unrealistic and does not correspond to reality.
The natural processing then goes to work and files away anything that the resonance shows to be useful, resolving, dissolving and binning the rest.
It is all done within seconds. It sees the food situation is OK, not urgent, and not likely to be a problem — there is no shortage, the shops are still full — and effectively bins this idea be resolving it internally.
This is how resonance works.
If this process is done systematically using different specific resonances, the survival instincts calm down gradually.
Example: irritation
Instead of feeling incredibly irritated by every obstacle you come across at work — which is the survival instincts kicking in and grossly multiplying your feelings of irritation — you just feel a little irritated, either doing something about the problem or letting it go. What was a week-long, internal, repressed feeling of anger, resulting in irritable bowel syndrome, becomes a five-minute inner event or a quick, effective, appropriate action.
Example: parents and crying children
Likewise, if you are a parent of a young child who is crying and that crying is irritating you, this is your survival instincts kicking in. You cannot act with compassion until these survival instincts are calmed down. Until then, you will be compelled to act as if survival is at stake, unwittingly teaching your child that crying is related to survival rather than to just getting over a trivial scrape. Perhaps you are being only a tiny bit threatening to your child about the crying, but to him, being completely dependant on you, it literally scares him to death, and he stops crying. He comes to link fear (of survival) with crying.
Example: athletes
if you are an athlete, you push yourself too far and you get injured, or you are too nervous and do not perform well. Either gets in the way of achieving your personal best.
Basic instincts
There are five basic instincts called the 5Fs: Fight, Flight, Freeze, Food, Fsex.
From the primitive animal point of view, if you meet another creature, you either fight it, kill it and eat it, escape, freeze (in the hope that the other does not see you), or have sex with it. We all have versions of these responses. This part of the brain does not respond to being talked to. It is deeply instinctive, and reasoning simply does not work. This is why ‘hide and seek’ is such a popular kids game. It is why teenagers dress up to go out. That is why we need new tools, or deeper tools, to deal with this.
Limiting traits
The overactive survival instincts show up not as core basic survival instincts, but as a large variety of limiting personal traits.
There is a full range of limiting and restricting thoughts and emotions of the “I can’t do this” variety. It might be as simple as being too nervous to perform in public; it might be about being too scared of making a mistake to do anything; it might also be about doing the opposite: acting forcibly, not caring, forcing an issue, cheating, or lying.
It is either underplaying your ability or overreacting and overplaying it, but both reactions are just as bad, as they limit personal ability.
In the human race at this time, a great deal, if not almost all, of human misery stems from this. Therefore, work on calming survival instincts is very important.
Innovative new concept: PPD
Talk therapies, coaching, training and other therapies of this kind work mainly on the frontal lobes of the brain: on logic, reasoning, feelings and emotions. They do not (actually) reach the survival instincts. Survival instincts reside in our primitive animal (reptilian) brain.
There are new tools within the therapy community to help with deeply disturbed survival issues, but these tools require very skilled people and very intensive interventions to be effective, which makes them very difficult to use. In many situations, they are virtually impossible to use widely due to languages and cultural barriers. Refugees, for example, find it very difficult to get this sort of help, and there were hundreds of millions of refugees in the last century.
Help is especially difficult to give when most people on this planet are in fact in the same boat of hyperactive survival instincts.
PPDs use resonance in a systematic manner to work on the survival instincts. They are an innovative new concept and way of applying resonance. We call it PC Resonance Technology. Before recent advances in e-technology, brain science, etc their development was technically impossible.
More background information
For more detailed information click the menu under “Background” or the following links:
1. resonance
2. survival mechanism
3. publications