What people tell us
- I feel much more energy
- I am less nervous
- I am less forgetful
- My communication with other people improved a lot
- I don’t take so much to heart anymore
- I have less anxiety and fear for the future
- I am less vulnerable to remarks
- My singing teacher said my voice has improved
- I fall asleep quicker / sleep much better
- I became more creative, started writing
- I started exercising
- I don’t need drugs anymore
Some testimonials (>30)
Inger, NL
“De thema’s van de PPD’s (‘Clearing the past serie’) vond ik verrassend evenals de oefeningetjes bij de verschillende PPDs. Ik vond ze inspirerend en het gaf me een verfrissende blik op mensen en vooral mijn eigen (‘aanvallende’) gedrag . Ik merkte dat er meer lichtheid in me kwam. Soms ebt ‘de alertheid’ ook wel weer weg na het beluisteren van de PPDs, maar ze staan in mijn dagboekje en als ik dat teruglees dan herinner ik het me direct weer! Ik verheug me op nu en de ‘Creating the future’ serie. Trouwens een heel sterke is degene die jullie cadeau doen: Silence en centering.”
Hans Rijneveld, NL (read more / lees meer van Hans)
“Ik luister nu 6 maanden naar PPDs en het heeft me veel gebracht: een veel groter bewustzijn van mijn innerlijke stilte, vrede en sereniteit. Verder kan ik veel gemakkelijker mijn emoties laten voor wat ze zijn, ze ‘loslaten’. Ik heb mijn PPD ervaringen gedeeld met andere ex (alcohol) verslaafden en 80% heeft dezelfde resultaten! Ik luister nog steeds elke ochtend en avond. Ga dan stil zitten en pik op basis van mijn gevoel een of twee PPDs, vaak gerelateerd aan de stemming van dat moment. Ik ben vast van plan PPDs te blijven luisteren zolang als het kan. Conclusie: Ik lijd een stuk minder en geniet heel veel meer!”
“I have been listening to PPDs for 6 months and this has definitively contributed significantly to a greater awareness of my own inner stillness, inner peace and serenity. Moreover I have become more able to detach from emotions generated by external influences. I have shared my experiences with other former (alcohol) addicts and 80% of them experience similar effects. I still listen to both PPD series (I+II) on a every day base, every morning and evening. I then sit still, listen to my intuition and pick one or two PPDs that relate directly to the mood I am in. I definitively intent to continue this practice for as long as possible. Conclusion:I suffer less and enjoy a lot more!”
John Vermeulen, NL
“Na 3 maanden PPD serie 1 luisteren kan ik nu dingen beter plaatsen en heb bijna geen last meer van irritatie in het verkeer en van mensen die anders denken. Ik ben veel makkelijker geworden in veel opzichten. Er zat dus toch een hoop frustratie van vroeger waardoor ik ongemerkt in de overdrive stond en onbewust steeds die leeuw om de hoek verwachtte.
Dat is nu toch wel fijn dat dit weg is, met andere woorden: ik heb nu een goede weg gevonden het leven meer te nemen zoals het komt. De PPD serie 1 ‘clearing the past’ is zeker geen weggegooid geld. Ik kan het ook iedereen aanbevelen die nog met onverwerkt zeer loopt, het lost echt dingen op.
Maar wel trouw luisteren. Bedankt voor de ervaring.”
“After three months of PPD listening (serie 1) my ability to see things in perspective has increased. Irritation because of people thinking differently and in traffic has almost disappered. I have become a lot easier in many ways. Apparantly there was a lot of unnoticed frustration in my life that made me act ‘in overdrive’ expecting ‘the lion around the corner’ any moment.
I am glad my life has been cleared and that I am able to take life like it comes. Money for the PPD serie ‘clearing the past’ is well spend. I can recommend everybody to start listening, it really works! But you need discipline to listen. Thanks for the experience.”
Marieta, NL
“Ik moet zeggen dat waar het me uiteindelijk om te doen was is nu al gelukt (na week 8). Geweldig!!
Ik slaap niet meer dan voorheen, maar de kwaliteit van mijn slaap is een stuk beter, waardoor ik nu bijna elke dag fit uit mijn bed stap 🙂 Ik heb volgens mij dan nu ook officieel geen slaapprobleem meer.
Daarnaast merk ik dat ik me in crisissituaties en bij veel stress, me veel beter staande hou en kalm blijf, dus ben fan geworden van het PPD proces.”
“8 weeks of PPD listening already did the job I was hoping for: high quality sleep so I can get up fit in the morning. Awesome!
Offically I declare myself without sleeping issues.
In addition I have noticed to be much more relaxed and able to stand my ground in stressful situations. So I have become a fan of PPDs!”
Kevin Kearney, IRL
“I found after going back on my daily journal entries, that I did a huge number of things that I would not have done previously. This reminded me that it had really helped me a lot and made a huge difference for me. I was now doing stuff that previously I would not have done so it was liberating in lots of ways. It opened doors that were firmly shut and for that I am very grateful. Now I want to explore further through the doors and move forward in all aspects of my life and I will. I will also ask for help when needed whereas before the PPDs I would not have done. I would definitely recommend the program to others.
And yes, this is the first time that I have ever given a testimonial to anyone for anything. I always held back to protect myself (so another breakthrough)!!”
Helena de Roos, NL
“Ik ben erg blij met deze PPD serie! Het heeft me veel rust gegeven en ik merk dat ik veel minder snel getriggerd word. Met name de laatste drie PPD`s vond ik erg krachtig. Het lukt me nu ook beter om in contact te blijven met eigen gevoel. Heel veel dank!”
“I am very happy with this PPD serie! It has given me a lot of rest in my life and I am not easily triggered anymore. PPD 7, 8, 9 (from serie 1) I experienced as very powerful. I am much better capable now in keeping in touch with my feelings. Many thanks!”
Stefan Dekker, DJ, NL
“In de afgelopen jaren lijd ik aan een paniekstoornis. Deze stoornis heb ik sinds Augustus 2009.
Nu heb ik alles geprobeerd. Van acupunctuur naar Hersenshock therapie, van ontspanningstherapie tot medicatie. Vele psychologen bezocht en zelfs praatgroepen. NIETS heeft mij ook maar iets geholpen. Radeloos ben ik begonnen met de PPD’s te luisteren (na een tip van een vriend).
Na 2 weken elke dag braaf luisteren en de opdrachten zo veel mogelijk uitgevoerd te hebben, merkte ik nog weinig.
Maar plots na 4 weken (dus begin week 5) merkte ik dat mijn constante duizeligheid (wat gepaard ging met mijn stoornis), ineens na 4 jaar compleet weg was!!
Als een blije hond ging ik verder met de PPD’s, en nu 14 weken verder, heb ik geen paniek aanvallen meer! Alleen wanneer ik alcohol drink heb ik daar de dagen erna nog erge last van, maar dan kan ik tenminste de reden hiervoor aanwijzen! Bedankt!!!”
“Since a couple of years (aug. 09) I am suffering from daily panic attacks. I have tried everything available: acupuncture, brainshock therapy, relaxation therapy, medication. I have visited psychologists, went to peer groups. NOTHING helped me out! I became desperate.
Then I have started listening to PPDs. After 2 weeks I didn’t notice much of a difference. But after 4 weeks my constant state of dizziness (one of the symptoms coming with my daily panic attacks) disappeared completely!!
I continued to listen to PPDs and I can say, after 14 weeks in the program, that panic attacs are history! It only happens when I take alcohol, and that I am aware of. Many thanks!!”
STEVE, Vice President, Fortune 500 Corporation, UK
“25 years in high flying jobs at large corporations may come at a cost reflected on your person and/or your loved ones. In my case, it was on my ability to get a good night sleep; 3 to 4 hours of restless pattern that affected even my desire to go to bed the following night. I must admit I was never a big believer in unconventional approaches to physical or medical issues, and I was not really targeting this particular problem when I tried the PPDs, but I was amazed by the change it brought to my life. I think I’m much calmer and relaxed, now, and I truly look forward to going to bed every night.
My son is currently going through the teenage phase which seems to impact his ability to sleep, as well. I’m thinking of introducing him to PPDs.”
INETTE, marketing manager, NL
“During and after listening to PPDs I became much more focused and concentrated, which is very helpful in my work as a manager of a marketing department. I also got the spirit to finally start sports again and it went amazingly well, both at physical and performance level.”
Dr. Emoto laboratory staff, Lichtenstein
“We were very surprised that we found so may well-defined
crystal shapes in PPD resonance treated water.”
ALBERT, translator, CA
“I’m calmer. No stress. Communication has definitely improved. I am more confident. I do what I want or need to do and don’t think about it too much. I don’t worry about what I say and say ‘no’ when I need to, which used to be a problem. If I do feel a little panic, I can handle it better than before. I started to jog and exercise more. The work of PPD is very subtle, but I can feel the difference….”
ANNA, teacher, NL
“From the moment I started listening to PPDs my life has changed quite a bit. For many years I wanted to change my diet, but I never did, till 3 months ago, the difference is 10 kg and no sweat. There also were some bad memories from my love life. Fear kept me from clearing my past, but suddenly it all went very smoothly and without any effort I had a few freeing conversations with
my ex boyfriends!”
MICHAL R, sales manager, CZ
The effect of listening to PPDs on my work is enormous. Actually I cannot see much of a difference in my personal life but I can tell there are clear changes in my approach to work. I see things positively now. I am not frustrated by failures because I know I have done my best. PPDs help me to focus on important tasks and finish them. When I fulfill them successfuly, it is great. When I fail I take it simply as a failure and not as my personal insufficiency. I used to look for a mistake in me, I often suffered from disappointment and self blame and I did not start new projects with enough enthusiasm. This led to an overall frustration, conflicts with my boss etc. Thank you. It isn’t the first time you have helped me… ”
“I noticed a definite improvement in my acceptance of myself and others. I recognize the criticism sooner and am consciously able to let it go. I feel generally happier but it is noticeable that this state is now requiring more active maintenance. My sister commented I was the happiest she had seen me when we met at Christmas.”
“My sons, who both compete in swiming (modern pentathlon) listened to PPD performance during the spring of 2010 for nine weeks. After finishing the whole cycle of PPDs they both improved their personal bests in all swimming disciplines. David became five time champion of the region and reached the second twice and the forth position twice in the Czech Championship of the ten year olds. In the modern pentathlon he became the champion of the Czech Republic in the E category and won the Czech Cup for the year 2010. Igor spends more time doing the pentathlon but he also gain second position in the regional swimming in one hundred in breast stroke, and in the Czech Republic Championship in the D category he won second position as he did also in the Czech Cup competition. Igor calmed down. They both trust themselves more.”
“The biggest change I can pinpoint is a better sense of balance about my interaction with other people, with the schedule I have to conform to, with my expectation of myself. I am better able to assess what need to be done, what can wait, what needs to be said – and to put all those decisions into practice very fast.
I assess very fast what can be done, make clear communication about what I can and cannot do, have no hesitation pointing out when it´s more appropriate that the other person do something.
Without resentment. I get a lot done now, with minimal stress. I have always been very aware of my body and senses, so there is not a change but simply put I back myself better. Any tendency to spend time dithering and wallowing in stasis, self-do or self-accusation seems to be disappearing. But without a sense of hurry.”
“So my first experience with PPD I would describe as pleasant…so I see it helps me to get the needed information, together with the actual emotion, to my conscious awareness. With that I can get empowered, see over the issue and work with it as necessary. It helps on the way to wholeness…I saw some parts of my teenage years, where I strengthened my feeling of imperfection, or better, the feeling that my work is worth nothing… it is good sometimes to remember these moments and the fact how deep wounds or blows we deal ourselves only because we have fixed beliefs about how the world works… The second time I listened was different. It reminded me of the feeling of abundance!”
“I still have my food craving but it is getting a sort of conscious, that I can look at it and don’t react on it sometimes. There has been a wonderful transformation is that I now can live more out of love in a new relationship I have, instead of being defensive as a reaction to former experiences. That is a huge change. My partner noticed a big change. And that is really wonderful. I am more loving, streaming, less defensive and hard and controlled. But in the meanwhile also knowing very clearly what I want. And the reading goes fine as well, which was one of my goals.”
“PPD have a stimulating influence on me, I am more comfortable with myself and I sleep better.”
TAŤÁNA NETOLIČKOVÁ, coach and former 400 metres runner and gold medaillist in 1984 European Athletics Indoor Championships, athletic coach and director of the centre for sports CISO, CZ
“I would like to thank you for your PPDs. I felt considerable relief because I managed to get rid of dwelling on the trivialities and focus on essential issues. I became calmer and focused better on my work and I felt content. Human being always searches and finds new things. And gains new experiences for which I am grateful to you.”
MARKÉTA S, archery, international and paralympic level, CZ
This year she won the silver medal in the World Championship.
“Listening to PPDs calmed me down. I could concentrate better. I could literally see the arrows cluster closer together. I could see the results of PPDs in training and in competitions very clearly.”
ROMANA G, hammer throw, national and international level, CZ
“I was not very successful in competitions in recent years. I knew I could throw farther but I used to be nervous a lot. I got a chance to try PPDs and after about three months into regular listening I had several important competitions. I felt good, I wasn’t nervous and I had good perception of my body movement. I achieved my personal best several times. My personal best before PPDs was 61,11 metres. During the time I listened to PPDs I reached first 61,32 metres and then 61,72 metres.
And there I managed to stabilize my performance and upkeep it even if I was for example tired. I was surprised that I managed more in my daily life, too.“
“Since I started listening to PPDs I laugh from my heart. Even though I have some problems or worries I am able to “detach” myself from them and find joy elsewhere more easily.
OLGA, teacher, CZ
“Thanks to the regular listening to PPDs I managed the very demanding work of a teacher at the end of the school year. PPDs keep my feet on the ground, I now respond to unexpected situations calmly and the “daily stereotypes” of life have become more enjoyable.”
“I would like to share with you my experience of listening to PPD Here. In the beginning I didn’t really believe it very much. But later on looking back, I realised that right from the very start I felt calmer, more balanced and that the depression state that totally ruled my mind may still be here but have no dominant position. They maybe be still part of my life, but don’t have priority.
I progressed very much in a way that I am not afraid to go out on my own (it used to be a great problem – fear of people that was expressed through loud laughter or other ways of attracting attention but all the while I was feeling alone and lonely). Thank you for the chance to know and experience calmness and personal comfort that the download brought into my life.”
MICHAL G, interpreter, CZ
“I have been using PPD’s for almost a year. My usual hay-fever attacks did not come back this spring and summer. I managed to quit smoking with milder withdrawal symptoms than I had experienced in previous attempts. I feel more motivated, creative, upbeat, and in tune with my body. Thank you.”
MARKÉTA D., accountant, CZ
“PPD influenced me in a way that I can experience my everyday reality on deeper level. The ordinary things are more intense – a walk with children, reading a book, even shopping. I am calmer, more patient. And generally more joyous. It seems as if I have more energy – I can manage more in a day than I thought I could. I also notice that it is easier for me to finish things properly – before I really had to force myself often. During listening my husband and I considered and started changing the way we eat
and what we eat. We started to eat differently and we stick to it. When my husband lost his job I was shaken, nevertheless very soon I processed it and shook it off. Before I would be stressing for days. I have a need to be creative – I started making jewellery.”
ANNA S., in retirement, CZ
“I could tell the difference already after my first download, PPD HERE. I am more balanced, my feelings of anxiety and dejection are gone. I feel overall significantly better. I am also more decisive.”
The same person after listening to PPD NOW:
“I found myself doing more things during the day and having much more energy than before
at the same time. I had a feeling that the download charged me with new energy every time I listened to it.”
“I am in a greater harmony with nature, I can sense I am much more grounded. I feel greater inner calmness. I am more balanced and calmer when interacting with other people.”
JIRINA K, pediatrician, CZ
“I began to better set my personal boundaries. When I find myself in a conflict I let go of subsequent emotions and feelings much faster than before.”
KAMILA B, teacher, CZ
“When I was listening to PPDs I was surprised by the amount of energy I could feel coming and emotions which arose in me. I am suddenly very clear about things happening in my life. I just let things flow and observe them.“
PETRA C, on maternity leave, CZ
“The number of days when I have intense feelings of happiness has increased. The greatest effect for me though is the fact that I recently haven’t had a day when I could not breathe.“(June 2010)
“I have this feeling that my face relaxed. Apparently I have a different smile now. I feel in better contact with myself. I noticed I like green colour now – which is funny, I normally don’t like green. I started being hungry and cook for myself properly. ”
“First I started being really angry. Even about trifles. In time, though, I noticed that the things that bothered me before bother me a lot less. For a few moments I had a feeling of perfect grounding – I noticed I had my feet firmly on the ground. I am more in my body.”
“It stood me firmly with my feet on the ground. I deal with things in front of me and concentrate on present moment. Even though I know that the next day is difficult I can still sleep well and don´t wake up at night – I used to be nervous and I couln’t sleep. I don´t put pressure on myself because of most things now, I´m calmer. It is as if I saw things clearer. I ´m content with my life and can manage well. I take better care to prepare food for myself and don´t over do it.”
“I applied to go to a school, I would like to follow a further education. I bought a stepper and stopped by at the hairdressers´ (after quite a long time). I have time to put my make up on in the morning, to listen to music – and I feel like playing guitar again. My diet changed. And I am planning a change in my relationship too.”
“I am noticing a general change for better. I am more active, I can organize my day better and I can manage everything I want to do.”





