Categoriearchief: elektrosmog

Stress door medicijnen en vaccinaties: stoppen nu!

vaccinatieEr zijn 2 soorten factoren die stress oproepen in ons lichaam:
1. Levensbedreigende of stressvolle gebeurtenissen
– geweld, scheiding, overlijden van familie
– verkrachting, misbruik
– ernstige ziekte
– eenzaamheid, ontbreken sociale context

2. Ongezonde gewoontes en milieufactoren:
– slecht eten
– drugs en medicijngebruik
milieutoxines en elektromagnetische straling

We hebben allemaal te maken met bovengenoemde vormen van stress. Lees verder


How history lives on in humans.

This is a true story about a cow and its calf. The old farmer said to his son, ‘make sure the cow is away from her calf when the men come to kill it’. Unfortunately the son came back too late and the men who came to kill the calf came too early. So the mother cow watched her calf being strung up killed and carved up. The cow died three weeks later, it pined to death.

This story illustrates many different features of the human situation. The old farmer knew from experience and possibly ancient wisdom the effects of such a trauma. The modern educated son was not so understanding of the importance of this situation otherwise he would have been on time, and the modern educated men who came to kill the calf didn’t have a clue about trauma, they were completely emotionally illiterate.

Epigenetics Lees verder
